1、 Effects of sleep and sleep deprivation on blood cell count and hemostasis parameters in healthy humans. J Thromb Thrombolysis. 2009; 28(1):46-49.刘辉通讯作者.IF=1.846. Q3
2、 Association Analysis of Biological Variations in Different Routinely Measured Biochemical Parameters in Healthy Subjects. Labmedicine. 2009;40(8):474-477.刘辉通讯作者. IF=0.309. Q4
3、 Statistical estimation of diagnosis with genetic markers based on decision tree analysis of complex disease. Comput Biol Med. 2009;39(11):989-992 .刘辉通讯作者.IF=1.269.Q2
4、 Heparin inhibit P388D1 cells adherence and metastasis to peripheral lymph node in vitro and in vivo. Lymphology, 2009;42(1):10-18.左云飞共同第一作者.IF=0.939. Q4
5、 Silencing CD147 inhibits tumor progression and increases chemosensitivity in murine lymph
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6、 Structures of new phenolic glycosides from the seeds of Cucurbita moschata.Nat Prod Commun. 2009;4(4):511-2.李发胜第一作者.IF=0.924
7、 New phenolic glycosides from the seeds of Cucurbita moschata.J Asian Nat Prod Res. 2009;11(7):639-42.李发胜第一作者.IF=0.968
8、 Study on Absorption of Radix Astragali in rabbit plasma by alternative moving window factor analysis and LC-DAD-MS.Chromatographia.2009;70:1245-1251.王平通讯作者.IF=1.37